Data & Script Enablement for Ad Block Users

Adtoniq's proprietary technology can be used to enable critical marketing services such as attribution and analytics. These services and many more such as tag managers are blocked by most ad blockers.


Website traffic from search, social and email with ad blockers enabled are not being tracked.

Despite the common misconception, ad block usage rates continue to climb in the US and around the world. The biggest challenge is that ad blockers don't only block ads, they also block analytics, tag managers and many other services. You are most likely missing out on a huge revenue opportunity with a highly engaged audience.


Adtoniq's Data & Script Enablement Services

Our proprietary technology allows us to unblock any service without tampering with a user's ad blocker. We are working with Fortune 500 companies to ensure that they have full visibility into their marketing & advertising performance.

  • Analytics & Attribution Enablement
  • 3rd Party Service Enablement
  • Ad Block Rate Measurement Tool
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Highly Scalable Architecture

Using advanced techniques to obfuscate our code, we accurately detect when ad blocking technology is being used by a visitor.


We are able to re-enable analytics software in the presence of an ad blocker without having to whitelist.


We can then work with you to deploy our technology across your customer base and re-enable data that they are currently missing.

Ad Block Revenue Measurement Tool

Understand how ad blocking is impacting your business.

Our Ad Block Revenue Measurement Tool uses advanced & proprietary measurement techniques to accurately detect when a user has an ad blocker enabled at the browser or network level. It is the most accurate measurement tool on the market with impression-level tracking that gives unparalleled ability to understand your business opportunity.

With only a few weeks of data, we are able to provide a complete view of your business opportunity. You also have the option to begin monetizing your inventory from day one.

Most importantly, this tool is free and secure.

  • Detects desktop, mobile & network blocking
  • Works across all ad blockers including network-level
  • Robust filtering for bot traffic
  • Takes only a few minutes to install
  • Uses only 1k of browser memory & loads asynchronously

Privacy & Consumer Experience Are at the Heart of Our Business

  • We respect privacy-first users and understand their motivations.
  • Consumer “Permission” is critical to success
  • We are purposefully built to protect consumers' privacy. We do not capture any data that can reasonably be used to identify users (PII). We only store anonymized information for aggregate reporting purposes such as general location (city) and browser type.
  • Consumers are anonymous at all times. We contextually target pages and we DO NOT target ads to users based on demographic profiling or behavioral data.
  • We only serve highly vetted ads from premium advertisers. This means we never serve a popup, rollover or any ad that impedes users from completing their intended task.
  • Consumers can revoke their permission at any time, for any reason.

View our Privacy Philosophy

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The Power of Permission to Build Trust

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If you want to succeed as a brand in the current market, you need to rebuild trust. Consumers have lost faith in many of the brands that they once believed in but there is one simple tool that many companies are ignoring to rebuild that trust: permission. 

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Publishers Can’t Recover What They Can’t Measure: 50% of Ad Blockers Go Undetected

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Case Study: Ad Council Campaigns See 652% Higher CTRs from Ad Block Audiences

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