Ad Block Inventory & Revenue Calculator

Find out what your business opportunity is as a publisher to monetize your ad block audience that you currently cannot reach.

Opportunity Calculator

Understand how ad blocking is impacting your business.

We have set the initial values to the industry averages based on our own data as well as industry research. Our publishers are able to charge a premium CPM higher than their normal inventory.

Are you accurately measuring your ad block rate?

Ad Block Revenue Measurement Tool

Understand how ad blocking is impacting your business.

Our Ad Block Revenue Measurement Tool uses advanced & proprietary measurement techniques to accurately detect when a user has an ad blocker enabled at the browser or network level. It is the most accurate measurement tool on the market with impression-level tracking that gives unparalleled ability to understand your business opportunity.

With only a few weeks of data, we are able to provide a complete view of your business opportunity. You also have the option to begin monetizing your inventory from day one.

Most importantly, this tool is free and secure.

  • Detects desktop, mobile & network blocking
  • Works across all ad blockers including network-level
  • Robust filtering for bot traffic
  • Takes only a few minutes to install
  • Uses only 1k of browser memory & loads asynchronously

Adtoniq Blog

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The Power of Permission to Build Trust

Gary Portney

If you want to succeed as a brand in the current market, you need to rebuild trust. Consumers have lost faith in many of the brands that they once believed in but there is one simple tool that many companies are ignoring to rebuild that trust: permission. 

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Publishers Can’t Recover What They Can’t Measure: 50% of Ad Blockers Go Undetected

Pat Whelan

It’s time for publishers to take ad blocking seriously. Most ad block detection tools used by publishers today don’t work because they are blocked by this software so most publishers don't even know the size of the challenge.

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Case Study: Ad Council Campaigns See 652% Higher CTRs from Ad Block Audiences

Gary Portney

The Ad Council and Adtoniq join forces delivering COVID-19 awareness to ad block users

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